Saturday 17 September 2011

All I Need Is A Compass & A Map

The past week has seen me running around like a mad person trying to tick off items on my checklist before leaving for Beauty Camp (will explain Beauty Camp in detailed when the times comes! Stay tuned!).

There are work stuff to complete, necessities to buy, things to pack, reminders to be attended to, plannings to be thought of, people to meet, and so much more. Try saying all that in one breath! Phewww!

I was given this pretty storage box awhile ago but I couldn't quite think of what to use it for. 

Now, I'm using it to store all the necessities that I've been buying before Beauty Camp!

 That's my beloved dog, Stewie being nosy

 Found this really adorable container that is practical as well

It gets a bit overwhelming really and I'll be honest by saying I haven't had good sleep for the past week as there are just so much going through my mind. This is a road not taken before and like any other times when you're not 100% sure of what's going to happen, you ask yourself, "What did I just get myself into?"

But as soon as that thought comes, I'm reminded instantaneously that I'm here and doing this because I'm challenging myself to achieve bigger things. Humans are never complacent, and I couldn't agree more.  
 Why does a millionaire still dream of making millions, or even billions when he's got more than enough to live a comfortable life? Why does a woman still buy mountains of clothes when she's got a whole cupboard-full of unworn ones? Why do we feel a sense of hopelessness even though an outsider will say we've got it good?

It's because things are stagnant, and we can never tolerate that. It's natural that we always strive to push ourselves further, perhaps to see how much more we can do. 
And when we're actually successful in breaking through to the next level, we feel such a profound sense of accomplishment that it's hard to deny it almost feels like we're standing on top of the world at that very moment! What a FULFILLING feeling!

Yes, this is a road not taken before, but I'll use my map and compass to get me to my destination. Maybe, I'll even try the GPS. 

And these are the love and encouragement from family, friends and supporters.

Love you guys to bits.